The Vikings of Bjornstad

We've changed our web site! 

We have a new look and a new menu.

We've made these changes to better enable cell phones and tablets to view our pages.
Nothing has actually gone away.  All the same information as before is available from our new menu. 
Most pages have new names to allow them to display the menu.  (Just changed .htm to .shtm)

This revised web page is Authenticity_Guide.shtm.

Jack Garrett and The Vikings of Bjornstad maintain this website for your personal interest in viking re-enactment, education and research. We do not warrant or represent that the content is completely current, accurate, error proof, nor all of the linked websites to be truthful and reliable at all times. The contents of this website, unless otherwise stated, are exclusively the property of Jack Garrett and are protected under United States and International Copyright laws. The content and images within this website may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jack Garrett or the photographers who have granted permission for their photographs to be displayed herein. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or the like) is a violation of United States and International Copyright laws. All images and written materials are copyrighted © by their respective copyright holders unless otherwise stated. We make no claim to your happiness, contentment or future well being upon reading the information contained within this website, including this paragraph.

  © For information contact Jack Garrett at