Varangian Guards
Moscow, Russia

From Victor Filozov, head of the historical club "Varangian Guards" (Moscow):
Our club focuses on the era of the Russian Vikings of the 9th - 11th centuries. We are associated with many historical clubs and historical, archaeological organizations around the world, with friends in Poland, Lithuania and Germany. We are involved in many major historical projects, festivals and events. We develop educational interactive programs for children and adults on the history of ancient Russia and Europe. We also cooperate with the State Historical Museum and conduct joint programs. We have a very well developed craft program and we do workshops on them for children and their parents. We also regularly conduct various archaeological experiments reproducing craft processes to learn how to work with a variety of tools and materials. So we are very interested in military tradition and good fighting, although it is better to be judged by our opponents. Although I am a geologist by training, for three years I have been working as a teacher in the children's center. A strong friendship unites the Vikings all over the world despite the policies of States, we are together! A huge Hello to California and to all our American friends.




Victor Filozov





An example of Victor's craft work



Victor and Sophia










  © For information contact Jack Garrett at